The Code Jam itself is a contest run by Google. I've been to a previous one that ran on the TopCoder engine, but this time they've made a new format which really suits me. It's a lot less time-pressured than TC, and also more forgiving of mistakes. Having won my regional and finished in the top 3 in every round, I thought my chances were pretty good, but unfortunately I panicked near the end (partially because I forgot the contest started late and so I had more time than I thought), and so ended up third. Nevertheless I'm fairly happy since I didn't screw anything else up.
Pictures to follow - unfortunately not many or very exciting, since I didn't take my camera to the Googleplex on the assumption that they wouldn't allow photography (and indeed they didn't allow it inside the buildings).

Congrats! Is there another round as a grand finale?
Nice one! And at the Microsoft campus we *do* allow photography ;-)
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