Monday, July 31, 2006

Musings on Boston Cuisine and WMP

Judging from the restaurants I've seen around, Bostonians seem to eat (in this order):
  • Pizza
  • Eastern food (Indian, Thai, Japanese etc)
  • Typical American junk food (burgers)
So far I have seen 1 McDonalds, 1 Burger King and 1 Wendys, but right outside my hostel are two pizza places right next to each other.

This morning I did the speaker preparation bit and discovered just how truly useless Windows Media Player is. The catch is that they want you to upload your presentation to their servers, which push things out to machines installed in the conference rooms (rather than using your own laptop). I have a few video clips with my presentation, which at some points I wish to pause. However, even in "full-screen" mode, WMP shows some panels when it is paused (and also whenever it feels like it). The solution? Rename the AVI files to .mpg, then embed them in a Powerpoint presentation, losing all options for navigation beyond pause and restart (not that WMP had frame-by-frame anyway, which is what I really wanted).

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