Monday, February 11, 2008

It's off to work we go

So, things have been a bit quiet on the blog front for me since I've settled in and started a job. It's gone pretty well, much better than my first week at NVIDIA, I think because I'm working on a small self-contained project rather than a million-lines-of-code driver. It's also OpenGL-related so I walked in with most of the knowledge I need to do the work, so I'm already rewriting big chunks of code.

This week is going to be a bit different: I'm doing an ARM-internal training course on the ARM architecture, which should be fun because I know a reasonable amount about the x86 architecture (not enough to write an OS, but the basic instruction set and registers performance characteristics), but pretty much zero about the ARM architecture.

Other than that, I didn't do much last weekend. Saturday I pottered around for the morning because I'd made a mix-up with my contact lens cleaning which meant I couldn't wear them for 6 hours, and in the afternoon I bought a scarf. Sunday I took part in the worst-run international programming contest I've ever seen (some Indian thing called Bitwise) which ran for 12 hours, but at least I managed to place well enough to win a 4GB flash drive, which I've been debating buying for a while.

And maybe, finally, I'll actually have my ATM card and be able to use the bank account I opened months ago other than by debit order and internet banking.

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